Your body can actually tell you more about relaxation than any book can. It knows volumes about your unique states of tension and release. All you have to do is turn your attention within, and quietly listen.
Remember to thank your body for keeping you alive and informed, for serving you despite all the times you’ve ignored its needs. Do something special for your body today: take a bubble bath, get a manicure, use some hand lotion, or wear your most comfortable clothes. Keep checking in with your body. It will tell you truths you need to know, secrets you cannot hear from any other source.
From time to time today, pause in a quiet spot and close your eyes. Allow your breathing to slow and deepen. Ask your body, “Where are you tense?” Scan your body for any tight neck or back muscles, sore joints, tiny aches and pains in your arms or legs, little twitches around your eyes, or places where you are hunched up to protect tender spots.
As you find each twitch, contraction, or distortion, thank your body for showing it to you. Remember that all tension is muscular tension, and all muscle contraction is self-produced, even if you aren’t aware of producing it. So, once you become aware of the tension, you can begin to let the tension go. Focus on each area from a moment, exploring the tightness or soreness, even exaggeration it a little if you can. Exhale slowly and allow your tight back muscles to relax, your eyelids to stop twitching, your knees to stop aching. Tell your body, “It’s okay, we don’t need this tension or this soreness anymore. We can let it go.”
By: Mckay, Fanning
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